net |
| noun
- A mesh of string, cord, or rope.
- A device made from such mesh, generally used for catching fish.
- A device made from such mesh, generally used for trapping something.
- Anything that has the appearance of such a device.
- Petri net
- (by extension) A trap.
- caught in the prosecuting attorney's net
- (geometry) Of a polyhedron, any set of polygons joined edge to edge that, when folded along the edges between adjoining polygons so that the outer edges touch, form that polyhedron.
- (computing) A computer network.
Translations: - Dutch: net, netwerk
- French: réseau
- German: Netz
- Italian: rete
- Spanish: red
verb (net, t, ing)
- (transitive) To catch by means of a net.
- (transitive) (figurative) To catch in a trap.
Translations: - German: mit einem Netz fangen
- Italian: impigliare in una rete, intrappolare con una rete, irretire
- Remaining after expenses or deductions.
- net profit ; net weight
- final, Final.
- net result; net conclusion
Translations: - Dutch: uiteindelijk, finaal
- French: net
- German: netto, netto, Netto-
- Italian: finale
- Spanish: neto
(trans-top, final)
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