Definitions | nether |
| adjective
- lower; under
- The disappointed child"s lip quivered.
- lying or conceived as lying beneath the earth"s surface.
- The regions.
(trans-top, lower)
- French: inférieur
- Japanese:�� (���, shitano)
(trans-top, beneath the earth's surface)
- French: souterrain
Etymology: Middle English nether, nethere, nithere, from Old English nithera, from niíer, nithor, adverb, down, downward; akin to Old Saxon nithiri, adjective, nether, nithar, adverb, down, Old High German nidari, nidaro, adjective, nether, nidar, adverb, down, Old Norse nethri, netharri, adjective, nether, nithr, adverb, down; all from a Germanic word that is a compar. of a word akin to Sanskrit ni down; akin to Old English in -- more at IN
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