no |
| noun (noes)
- A negating expression; an answer that shows disagreement or disapproval.
- A vote not in favor, or opposing a proposition.
- The workers voted on whether to strike, and there were thirty "yeses" and one "".
Translations: - Dutch: neestem , tegenstem
- French: non
- German: Gegenstimme
- Not any.
- There is water left.
- No hot dogs were sold yesterday.
- Not any possibility or allowance of (doing something).
- No smoking
- There's stopping her once she gets going.
- Not; not properly, not really; not fully.
- My mother's fool.
- Working nine to five every day is life.
Translations: - Dutch: verboden te (followed by an infinitive), verboden (preceded by an infinitive)
- French: défense de (followed by an infinitive)
- German: verboten (preceded by an infinitive)
- Italian: non
- Spanish: se prohíbe (followed by an infinitive)
- (context, largely obsolete except in, _, Scotland) not, Not.
- I just want to find out whether she's coming or .
Translations: - Dutch: nee
- French: non
- German: nein
- Italian: no
- Spanish: no
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