Definitions | OK |
| noun
- endorsement; approval
- We can start as soon as we get the .
Translations: - Dutch: oké, groen licht, goedkeuring
- to approve
- I don't want to this amount of money.
- all right, permitted
- Do you think it's to stay here for the night?
- satisfactory, reasonably good; not exceptional
- The soup was , but the dessert was excellent.
- in good health or a good emotional state
- He's not feeling well now, but he should be after some rest.
Translations: - French: (be OK): aller (bien) (verb)
- Italian: (be OK): stare
- Italian, stare bene (verb)
- satisfactorily, sufficiently well
- The team did in the playoffs.
Translations: - Dutch: oké/oke
- Dutch, oke, goed
- Oklahoma
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