Definitions | opinion |
| noun
- A subjective thought that a person has formed about a topic or issue.
Translations: - Dutch: mening , opinie , visie , zienswijze , gedachte
- French: avis
- French, avis , opinion
- German: Meinung , Ansicht , Anschauung
- Italian: opinione , concetto
- Spanish: opinión
- (transitive) To have or express as an opinion.
- 1658: But if (as some ) King Ahasuerus were Artaxerxes Mnemon ..., our magnified Cyrus was his second Brother " Sir Thomas Browne, The Graden of Cyrus (Folio Society 2007, p. 166)
Translations: - Dutch: van mening zijn dat, opinií«ren
Etymology: From Anglo-Norman / Middle French French, opinion, from opinio, from opinari "opine".
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