Definitions | orbit |
| noun
- A circular or elliptical path of one object around another object.
- The Moon's around the Earth takes nearly one month to complete.
- A sphere of influence; an area of control.
- In the post WWII era, several eastern European countries came into the of the Soviet Union.
- The course of one's usual progression, or the extent of one's typical range.
- The convenience store was a heavily travelled point in her daily , as she purchased both cigarettes and lottery tickets there.
- (anatomy) The bony cavity containing the eyeball; the eye socket.
- (physics) The path an electron takes around an atom's nucleus
- (mathematics) A collection of points related by the evolution function of a dynamical system.
Translations: - Dutch: baan
- French: orbite
- German: Umlaufbahn , Orbit
- Italian: orbita
- Spanish: órbita
- To circle or revolve around another object.
- The Earth orbits the Sun.
- To move around the general vicinity of something.
- The harried mother had a cloud of children orbiting her, asking for sweets.
Translations: - Dutch: omcirkelen, omlopen
- French: orbiter
- German: umkreisen
Etymology: Latin orbita "course, track".
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