Your Query of 'pinyin' Resulted in 2 Matches
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Pinyin Tweet Definition of Pinyin Like Definition of Pinyin on Facebook
  1. A system of romanization (phonetic notation and transliteration to roman script) for Mandarin Chinese based on the Mandarin dialect of the Beijing area used in the People's Republic of China, People"s Republic of China.

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    pinyin Tweet Definition of pinyin Like Definition of pinyin on Facebook
    1. A system of romanization (phonetic notation and transliteration to roman script) for Mandarin that is used in the People's Republic of China, People"s Republic of China. It helps with pronouncing Chinese characters. Consists of over 70 irregular "sounds" (not including accents) of vowel, vowels, consonants, and sounds that are irregular. It uses four different accents for each vowel: Ä�, í¡, Ç�, í , but sometimes the tones are represented by numbers 1 2 3 4 (e.g., pÄ«nyÄ«n or pin1yin1).

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