Definitions | shine |
| noun
- brightness, Brightness from a source of light.
- brightness, Brightness from reflected light.
- excellence, Excellence in quality or appearance.
- shoeshine, Shoeshine.
- sunshine, Sunshine.
- (slang) moonshine, Moonshine.
- (cricket) The amount of shininess on a cricket ball, or on each side of the ball.
Translations: - Dutch: (t, nl, uitmuntendheid, f), bravoure
- French: éclat(fr)m
- German: Brillanz , Glanz , Bravour
verb (shines, shining, shined or shone, shined or shone)
- (intransitive) To emit light.
- (intransitive) To reflect light.
- (intransitive) To distinguish oneself; to excel.
- (intransitive) To be immediately apparent.
- (transitive) To polish (something).
- (context, transitive, cricket) To polish a cricket ball using saliva and one"s clothing.
- (transitive) (ergative) To create light with a flashlight, lamp, torch, etc.
Translations: - Dutch: (t, nl, opblinken), polieren(nl)
- French: briller(fr)
- German: de(de, polieren, {{t-)bohnern
- Italian: brillare(it)
- Spanish: brillar(es)
Etymology: scinan, scÄnan, from Germanic. Cognate with Dutch schijnen, German scheinen, Swedish skina.
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