slave Tweet Definition of slave Like Definition of slave on Facebook
  1. A person who is owned by another, as their property.
  2. A person who is forced to work for another, especially without pay.
  3. A person who is forced to perform sexual acts or other acts on a regular or continuing basis against their will.
  4. (engineering) A device that is controlled by another device.
  5. (engineering) An information worker who has signed a non-compete clause, in return for employment.
  • Dutch: slaaf
  • Italian: schiava(it, schiavo, m, {{t-, it)f
verb (slav, ing)
  1. (intransitive) To work hard.
I was slaving all day over a hot stove.
    Etymology: sclavus (slave) < Byzantine < Old Slavonic ÑÑÑ, ÑÑ (Slav). Slavs where often enslave, enslaved during the early Middle Ages, thus the semantic correspondence.

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