swallow Tweet Definition of swallow Like Definition of swallow on Facebook
  1. (archaic) A deep chasm or abyss in the earth.
  2. The amount swallowed in one gulp; the act of swallowing.
He took the aspirin with a single of water.
    1. (transitive) To cause to pass from the mouth into the stomach.
    Try not to too much toothpaste.
    The duck swallowed the frog.
    1. (intransitive) To take food down into the stomach; to make the muscular contractions of the oesophagous which this entails.
    I swallowed nervously, wondering who was outside the window.
    1. (transitive) To take in, to consume, to absorb or cause to disappear.
    Any extra money will be swallowed up by the mortgage repayments.
    1. (transitive) To believe or accept.
    I find his excuses a little hard to .
    • Dutch: slikken, doorslikken
    • French: avaler(fr)
    • German: schlucken(de)
    • Italian: it(it, deglutire, {{t+)inghiottire
    • Spanish: es(es, tragar, (t, es, engullir), (t, es, deglutir), {{t)ingurgitar

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