Definitions | tank |
| noun
- A container for liquids or gases, typically with a volume of several cubic metres.
- A armoured fighting vehicle, armed with a gun and moving on caterpillar tracks. For details see the w:tank, Wikipedia article on "tank".
- (Australian and Indian English), a reservoir or dam.
- (American SouthWest? English, esp Texas), a large metal container, usually placed near a wind-driven water pump, in an animal pen or field. By extension a small pond for the same purpose.
- (slang) a very muscular and physically intense person
- In USA scuba divers' usage, a compressed air or gas cylinder.
- In online and offline role-playing games, a character designed primarily around damage absorption with offensive power as a close secondary consideration.
- For uses as a name, see w:Tank, tank in Wikipedia.
Translations: verb
- To fail or fall (often used in describing the economy or the stockmarket); to degenerate or decline rapidly; to plummet.
- (Online RPG) To attract the attacks of a monster, so that the other people in the group can defeat the monster in question more efficiently.
- To put fuel into a tank
Etymology: Indian vernacular word (eg. Gujarati taku, or Marathi take (please improve these transliterations or replace them by the proper words)) for a large artificial water reservoir (cistern, pool, etc.), via Portuguese tanque, "tank", "liquid container". Also, Arabic has a verb istanqa`a = "it (= a liquid) collected and became stagnant".As an armored military vehicle: to disguise its intended purpose, prototypes were described as tanks for carrying water.
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