Definitions | therewith |
| adverb
- with this, that or it
- ca. 1370: He �aue �ow fyue wittes//For to wershepen hym ther-with - w:Piers Plowman, Piers Plowman, ii-16
- I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content. - Philippians, 4:11
- in addition to that, besides, moreover
- To speak of strength and hardiness. - w:Geoffrey Chaucer, Geoffrey Chaucer
- thereupon
- 1869: 'I take the privilege, Mistress Ruth, of saluting you.' ...And I bussed her well. - w:Richard Blackmore, Richard Blackmore, Lorna Doone, 1.
Etymology: Middle English = Swedish dervid, Danish derved
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