Definitions | ticket |
| noun
- a pass entitling the holder to admission to a show, concert, etc.
- a pass entitling the holder to board a train, a plane, or other means of transportation
- a citation for a traffic violation.
- a permit to operate a machine on a building site.
- (informal) a list of candidates for an election, or a particular theme to a candidate's manifesto.
- Joe Bloggs has joined the party's for the county elections.
- Joe will be running on an anti-crime ticket.
Translations: - Dutch: ticket, kaartje, toegangsbewijs, strippenkaart (2)
- French: billet(fr)m
- German: Eintrittskarte
- Italian: biglietto (1,2), multa , contravvenzione (3)
- Spanish: boleto , tique, tiquete (italbrac, Costa Rica)
- To issue someone a ticket, as for travel or for a violation of a local or traffic law.
Etymology: From French étiquette
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