tree Tweet Definition of tree Like Definition of tree on Facebook
  1. A large plant, not exactly defined, but typically over four meters in height, a single trunk which grows in girth with age and branches (which also grow in circumference with age).
  2. any plant that is reminiscent of the above but not classified as a tree in the strict botanical sense: for example the banana "tree".
  3. An object made from a tree trunk and having multiple hook, hooks or storage platform, platforms.
He had the choice of buying a scratching post or a cat tree.
  1. A device used to hold or stretch a shoe open.
He put a shoe tree in each of his shoes.
  1. The structural frame of a saddle.
  2. (graphtheory) A connected graph with no cycles or, equivalently, a connected graph with n vertices and n-1 edges.
  3. (comptheory) A recursive data structure in which each node has zero or more nodes as children.
  4. A display or listing of entries or element, elements such that there are primary and secondary entries shown, usually linked by drawn lines or by indenting to the right.
We"ll show it as a tree list.
  1. Any structure or construct having branches akin to (1).
  2. The structure or wooden frame used in the construction of a saddle used in horse riding.
  • Dutch: boom(nl)m
  • French: arí§on(fr)m
  • German: p(de, Baum, m}}, {{t+, de, Baum)alt=Bí¤ume
  • Italian: albero(it)m
  • Spanish: í¡rbol(es)m
verb (tree, d)
  1. (transitive) To chase (an animal or person) up a tree.
The dog treed the cat.
    Etymology: treow, trÄow, from Germanic
    • trewÅn, from Proto-Indo-European
    • drew-o-, a suffixed variant of
    • dreu-,
    • deru- "solid, steadfast, wood, tree". Cognate with Danish trí; and (from the same Indo-European source) with Ancient Greek (polytonic, ) "wood, spear", (polytonic, á) "tree, oak", Russian Ñ, Lithuanian derví, Welsh derwen "oak".

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