Definitions | villain |
| noun
- A vile, wicked person.
- A man extremely depraved, or capable or guilty of great crimes.
- A deliberate scoundrel.
- The bad person in a stage or screen play.
- (archaic) The lowest level of medieval serfdom.
Translations: - German: Bí¶sewicht (1,2), Schurke (3,4)
- Italian: scellerato (1,2); cattivo (4); vassallo , servo feudale (5)
Etymology: Probably (term, villein) from (term, villain), in turn from Late (term, villanus), meaning serf or peasant, someone who is bound to the soil of a (term, villa), which is to say, worked on the equivalent of a plantation in late Antiquity, in Italy or Gaul.
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