whisk Tweet Definition of whisk Like Definition of whisk on Facebook
  1. A quick, light sweeping motion.
With a quick , she swept the cat from the pantry with her broom.
  1. A kitchen utensil, made from stiff wire loops fixed to a handle, used for whipping (or a mechanical device with the same function).
He used a to whip up a light and airy souffle.
  1. A bunch of twigs or hair etc, used as a brush.
Peter dipped the in lather and applied it to his face, so he could start shaving.
  1. A small handheld broom with a small (or no) handle.
'' I used a to sweep the counter, then a push-broom for the floor.
  • German: Schneebesen , Schaumschlí¤ger
  1. (transitive) To move something with quick light sweeping motions.
Vernon whisked the sawdust from his workbench.
  1. (transitive) In cooking, to whip e.g. eggs or cream.
The chef prepared to the egg whites for the angel's food cake.
  1. (transitive) To move something rapidly and with no warning.
The governess whisked the children from the room before they could see their presents.
  1. (intransitive) To move lightly and nimble, nimbly.
The children whisked down the road to the fair, laughing and chattering as they went.
    Etymology: Middle English wisken

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