Definitions | yeti |
| noun
- (cryptozoology) An enormous furry human-like monster that lives high in the snowy Himalayas.
Translations: - Dutch: yeti(nl)m
- French: yéti(fr)m
- German: Yeti(de)m
Etymology: From (Tibetan.) (term, ààààààààà, lang=bo, tr=Wylie Romanization: g.ya'dred Pronounced: yeh-ti), a compound of the words (term, , , tr=yeh, lang=bo) ((Tibetan.): (term, àààà, tr=Wylie: g.ya', , rocky or rocky place, lang=bo), and (term, , , tr=Pti, lang=bo), (term, , , tr=te, lang=bo) or (term, , , tr=teh, lang=bo) ((Tibetan.): (term, ààààà, tr=Wylie: dred, , bear, lang=bo), the full name being "rock bear".
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