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December 13, 2024 Tweet Word of the Week Like Word of the Week on Facebook
Word of the Week--"Clairvoyant"
Definition--Clairvoyant- adj. able to see into the future and connect with the supernatural world. - n. a person that can see into the future and connect with the supernatural world.

Discussion-- The word clairvoyant can be used as either a noun or as an adjective. The noun refers to a person who can see into the future, while the adjective refers to the ability to "see beyond." Humans have always been fascinated by the so-called sixth sense, the ability to "be one with" supernatural phenomena. Rare is the town carnival that does not have a booth set up for a fortune-teller.

Our society is filled with evidence that we believe in the supernatural. Not only do people see fortune-tellers at carnivals, they actually call them up on the phone. Yes, we have all seen the commercials with Dionne Warwick that advertise a free psychic reading. When we go out for a Chinese meal we are given a fortune cookie before we leave. Horoscopes are published daily in our newspapers. Everywhere you look people are trying to get clues about the future.

My first encounter with "clairvoyance" was when my sister read my "lifeline," one of the natural skin creases that run along the hand. She informed me that it was quite short, and that I may not live to be ten! Thankfully, her "reading" was inaccurate because I am still going strong despite my short "lifeline!"

Etymology--Clairvoyant- from French clairvoyant, meaning clear-sighted (clair- clear + voyant- seeing).

   Foreign Translations
Dutch:  helderziende (de)
French:  voyant(e) (m/f)
German:  Hellseher (m)
Italian:  chiaroveggente
Spanish:  clarividente

Jane Ellis      Tweet Word of the Week Like Word of the Week on Facebook

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