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November 21, 2022 Tweet Word of the Week Like Word of the Week on Facebook
Word of the Week--"Valedictory"
Definition--Valedictory- adj. signifying a goodbye, farewell. n. a valedictory address; oration delivered by valedictorian (colleges and schools).

Discussion-- Not many of us have a chance to be the valedictorian of our class. I know that I was not the privileged one to give the valedictory address, but I think it would have been a kick. I can see it now: the crowd, basking in my illuminating brilliance, ready to be awed, waiting expectantly for the words that will forever change their lives. But instead I listened to our valedictorian deliver a dull speech about great expectations and exciting new frontiers. It was a better speech than I actually would have produced.

The speech at the end of our school years is not the only application for the adjective, valedictory. It can be used to refer to anything that signifies a farewell or leave-taking. For instance, the valedictory handshake you give your father before you leave for college. The valedictory symbol that we are most familiar with is the wave, a nearly universal way of saying goodbye.

I have always viewed goodbyes as being sad occasions. I need to figure out a way to view each parting as a new beginning leading towards new and diverse adventures, but I always feel as if a part of me is dying. Of course, I'm not talking about how I feel when I am saying goodbye as I head out to McDonald's to grab dinner. That would be a little melodramatic, don't you think?

Etymology--Valedictory- formed in English from Latin valedictum, past participle of valedicere, bid farewell.

   Foreign Translations
Dutch:  afscheidsrede (de)
French:  d'adieu
German:  Abschieds-
Italian:  d'addio
Spanish:  de despedida

Jane Ellis      Tweet Word of the Week Like Word of the Week on Facebook

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