
If you've taken the time to learn either French, German, Spanish or Italian,
here's the proven way to take your vocabulary and listening-comprehension
skills to the next level. Join the thousands of intermediate and advanced
language students on six continents who subscribe to Champs-Elys�es, Schau
ins Land, Puerta Sol, and Acquerello Italiano and use them to stay in touch
with the languages and cultures they love. Produced entirely in Europe by
professional broadcasters and journalists, each audiomagazine consists of an
hour-long programme on audio cassette or CD packed with news, features, and
interviews. A booklet containing a word-for-word transcript and an extensive
glossary accompanies the audio component. In addition to translations of
difficult words and phrases, the glossaries contain copious biographical,
historical, political, and cultural notes prepared by seasoned editors -
many of whom also write for some of the world's most prestigious newspapers
and magazines. An optional study supplement with listening exercises and
grammar drills is also available in each issue.
iLanguage provides a wide range of end-to-end dynamic localization services and multilingual eBusiness solutions to Fortune 2000 and Global 1000 companies to enable their global requirements in multi-language marketing, CRM, content management and syndication
This site provides free online access to a fully cross-referenced collection of encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, books of quotations and a range of subject specific reference titles.
1Up Info - Encyclopedia & Reference Resource
Browse articles in all areas of topics within Earth & Environment, History, Literature & Arts, Health & Medicine, People, Philosophy & Religion, Places, Plants & Animals, Science & Technology, Social Science, Law, Sports, Everyday Life, and more. Includes Country Studies and North America Gazetteer.
A+ English
Editing, proofreading, and formatting (APA, MLA, Chicago). Serving U.S. and international students, businesses, publishers, and writers.
A-1 Complete Writing and Editing
Complete writing and editing services for corporations and individuals: novels to business correspondence, poetry to dissertations. Contact site for a free sample edit of your work and/or a no-obligation price quote and consultation.
Academic Support Network
This site provides services for editing, proofreading, and formatting (APA, Chicago, MLA) your thesis, dissertation, college essay, term paper, article, or book.
Canadian Connection
Canadian Connection is a Toronto based consulting agency that helps teachers locate ESL positions in South Korea.
English Banana
English Banana features over 200 free printable worksheets for teachers and students of English, plus online games and quizzes.
Language Box
At this site, you can learn, practice, or just use and enjoy foreign languages. Also experience newspapers, magazines, radio and TV from around the world; together with the art and general culture of selected countries.
Sci Fi Editor
Book editing service specializing in science fiction / speculative fiction. Serving writers, agents, and publishers since 1976.
This site is a free educational and leisure resource for students, teachers, parents, and home tutors. The site features free books, online games, chat rooms, Mathematics and English education, tutorials, worksheets, homework help, quizzes, puzzles, stories, pen pals, Singaporean home tutors, forum, study skills and more!
The Write Words
We provide professional copywriting and translation services geared to small and medium-sized companies. We also provide complete Webhosting and domain registration services.
Writing English
The site provides an online glossary of grammatical terms, suggestions for the use of commas, other writing tips, sample resumes, links, and a proofreading and copyediting service.