An online language laboratory
Phonologically complete guides to the pronunciation of seven varieties of English, and seven other languages. A "Spoken Grammar of English" and online dictionaries are also provided. You simply mouse over the sounds to hear them spoken, so even young children can use this resource.
AppAbove Spelling Helper
The Spelling Helper makes it easy to check and practice the spelling of over 65,000 English words right on your cell phone! Keep track of commonly misspelled words in a separate list, and practice spelling with computer-generated quizzes that test the more difficult aspects of the English language. Doesn't require a data connection, so you can use it anytime or anywhere.
ESL/EFL/ESOL educational resources/software
ESL educators, linguists, artists and programmers have been working together for the last six years creating learning resources designed to provide hours of effective instruction for all language levels.
GermanForTravellers is a portal to everything German. It offers online German Language courses.
My Language Exchange
This site can match you with an exchange partner who is practicing your native language and his/her native is the one you are practicing. E-mail pal is the main scheme but there are also chat rooms equipped with on-line dictionaries.
This site has a vocabulary builder that is adaptive -- as you use it, words get harder or easier depending upon your skill. It remembers the words you have learned and tests you on them again.
Tandem Language Exchange Community
The virtual place where you can practice and develop your knowledge in other languages through the direct contact with people all over the world interested, like you, in cultural and language exchange.
International site for the Valencian language. E-books, articles, studies, news, resources & links. Web versions in English, Spanish, German, French and Valencian.
Word Surfing
A vocabulary learning strategy which encourages students to develop good language habits by keeping well-organized and personal notebooks.