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Author: Reid Laurence

Read excerpts and the short story; Jailbird, at the website of author, Reid Laurence. There is also information about the other books that he has written. He sells his e-books on-line.

Banned Books Online

This site features books that have been the object of censorship or censorship attempts. The books featured here, ranging from Ulysses to Little Red Riding Hood, have been selected from the index of the On-line Books Page (another of their featured links!).


BookWire is a book industry online information source. Their content includes timely book industry news, features, reviews, guides to literary events, author interviews, thousands of annotated links to book-related sites, and more.

Horror Writers Association

dedicated to promoting dark literature and the interests of those who write it. The site includes free excerpts, conference lists, horror links, member pages, writing tips, and a reading list.

Literary Encyclopedia

The Literary Encyclopedia is a reference work focused on literature originally written in English or translated into English. It aims to provide detailed profiles of authors and texts, and basic knowledge on their cultural contexts.

New York Times Book Reviews

This is the registration site for the famous New York Times book reviews. It includes bestseller lists, news articles, and discussion board. Registration is free of charge.

Novel Writing - Suite 101

Suite�s team of professional Editors, Writers, and Course Developers facilitate discussion forums, operate blogs, and reach their loyal readers through RSS feeds and a monthly newsletter. Suite�s interactive, is amassed in 20 Sections, 400 topics, 90,000 articles and 40,000 discussion threads searchable in seconds.

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg has a collection of free electronic books (eBooks). The Copyright for these books has expired in the United States, so you can download the eBooks onto your computer or your PDA.

Simon Says

This site contains information about books including one chapter of books to read, discussion boards, special section for kids, and a newsletter. You can search by author, title, or subject.

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

This site has novels and poetry of William Shakespeare. It also has a search engine and a discussion forum. The site is operated by The Tech, the MIT newspaper.

The On Line Books Page

An expansive collection of over 20,000 books with complete copies on-line. Features a search option that allows you to query by author or title. You may also browse by author, subject, or title. The site also contains a features section that explores such issues as banned books and women writers. All services on this site are free.

The Steed Zone

This is the homepage of Kelly Steed who is a sci-fi horror author, poet and teller of ghostly tales. Her site contains writer advice, writing resources page, her poems, and her biography.

Writings of Charles Darwin on the web

As the name of the site says, this is a collection of Writings of Charles Darwin. The most reliable digital texts are their facsimile reproductions. This biography is included.

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