This is a math site for kids - a cool site with a glossary of math terms along with math flash cards, multiplication tables, and biographies of mathematicians. The definitions of the math terms are well written.
This is an interactive Math glossary for kids in grades 1-8. You can search by grade year and letter. They use diagrams to help explain the definitions.
On the resource page of Math Central webpage, you can find their math dictionary. It is geared towards middle school age. You can view their site in English and French.
This is a glossary of some math terms; it includes examples and some graph illustrations. The terms included is what Wisconsin Model Academic Standards considers what students should know.
MathWorld is a comprehensive and interactive mathematics encyclopedia and a glossary intended for students, educators, math enthusiasts, and researchers.
This webpage contains terms specific to mathematical programming; and some terms from other disciplines, notably economics, computer science, and mathematics, that are directly related.
This is an on-line glossary of math terms for kids. Their definitions include pictures. You click on a definition displayed on left side of webpage or search by clicking on a letter.