Medical Dictionaries
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A Dictionary of Dental Terms

This site provides the definition of general dental terms and orthodontic terms. It is include diagrams.

Allergy Glossary

This is a source of knowing about medical terms having connection with allergies and their effects. The glossary is written by Health On the Net Foundation. (HON is a not-for-profit portal to medical information on the Internet.)


This is a dictionary of environmental health terms including environmentally caused diseases. You can view their webpage in English or in Spanish.

Glossary of Skeletal Anatomy

This is an extensive glossary of terms related to the skeletal anatomy. Areas included are planes of the body, direction and location, parts of the human skull, bones of the skull, and bone morphology.

Health Dictionary

This is a dictionary of medical and health related definitions written for people without medical training. It provides information on health matters, from diseases and conditions to prescription drugs, clinics and medical items. You can view the webpage in English and in Spanish.

Health Pictures

This is an on-line medical dictionary with pictures or photos for every entry. Please note, no person or entity associated with this web site purports to be engaging in the practice of medicine through this medium.


This site contains an online English dictionary, along with a dream dictionary (helps interpret dreams by providing detailed explanations of various dream subjects), a medical dictionary, a computer dictionary (based on the FOLDOC dictionary) and a thesaurus. To use the dictionary, you may search using the search box or you may browse the word listings by letter of the alphabet.

Hypermedia Glossary of Genetic Terms

This site explains genetic terms. It displays the next layer of terms at one glance. You can search by pick from an alphabetical list of terms or you can see the newest terms of the database.

Kidney Transplant Glossary

This site is for those interested in knowing about kidney transplant procedures as well as related terms. Scroll down the webpage for terms. The glossary is written by the Kidney Transplant Program at USC University Hospital.

Medical Dictionary

This site contains a medical dictionary of medical related terminology and information online. There is a search box. (The rest of the site is an online pharmacy.)

Medline Plus

This site provides spelling and definitions of medical words. If you are not sure of the spelling, you can search by typing the first few letters in their search box. You can view their website in English and in Spanish.

On-Line Medical Dictionary

This is a glossary of medical terms. It contains terms relating to biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, medicine, molecular biology, physics, plant biology, radiobiology, science and technology. It includes: acronyms, jargon, theory, conventions, standards, institutions, projects, eponyms, and history.

Terms of Environment

Terms of Environment defines in non-technical language the more commonly used environmental terms appearing in EPA publications. You can order a free, print copy of Terms of Environment.

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