Obscure Words Dictionaries
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Double-Tongued Word Wrester

Double-Tongued Word Wrester records undocumented or under-documented words from the fringes of English. It focuses upon slang, jargon, and other niche categories which include new, foreign, hybrid, archaic, obsolete, and rare words.

Grandiloquent Dictionary

This is the result of an ongoing project to collect and distribute the most obscure and rare words in the English language. It also contains a few words that do not have equivalent words in English.

Luciferous Logolepsy

This site is a collection of obscure English words, with particular attention to archaic words. Letters in the menu link to separate pages with words listed in alphabetical order. The search link leads to a basic search page, where you can search for a term.


It contains a large group of words that people may use all the time that aren't in a normal dictionary. This includes slang, webspeak, and colloquialisms. Submissions are welcomed and you will be credited on the site for every word you submit!

Strange and Unusual Dictionaries

Strange and Unusual Dictionaries is a resource maven for SCRABBLE� games, bar bets, and other trivial pursuits. Their dictionaries include: dictionary of all-consonant words, dictionary of all vowel words, magic words, and magic archetypes.

Worthless Word FOR the Day

This lexicon contains many rare and neglected (but potentially useful) words that you might not find in your usual dictionary. The site has a word of the day feature, or you can browse through their dictionary.

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