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Broadway Theater

This site keeps you up to date with the happenings on Broadway. It includes a list of shows both on and off Broadway, reviews, ticket information (including price and availibility), and more.


Ceneton (Census Nederlands toneel) searchable database of manuscripts and editions of Dutch drama prior to 1803. This site can be viewed in Dutch and English.

Comparative Drama

Comparative Drama is a scholarly journal devoted to studies international in spirit and interdisciplinary in scope. It is published quarterly at Western Michigan University

Dig My Acting

Dig My Acting is a portal of acting related sites and articles. Many of the articles are Anonymously written.

Discovering Opera through Rigoletto

This is geared for later elementary and middle grades. It fuses language arts and music to explore one of the first masterpieces of Verdi.

Meriwether Publishing

Meriwether Publishing publishes and carries theatre and related texts in many categories. Their primary markets are middle grades, junior highs, high schools and some colleges.

Publishing Drama In Early Modern Europe

This is an article regarding publishing drama in early modern Europe. This is part of the annual Panizzi Lectures in bibliography were established by the British Library


This site, dedicated to screenwriting, provides links to producers and screenwriting in general, a screenwriting competition, and a message board for screenwriters. Also included is the latest news from Hollywood and information on books about screenwriting.


This is a theatre link portal with links in areas such as theory, history, dramaturgy, drama schools, playwrights, and international festival. The site is in Portuguese.

The WWW Virtual Library of Theatre and Drama

This is a comprehensive site for theatre and drama that features information about drama schools, book dealers, conferences, online archives, and much more. They are trying to make the site multi-cultural and multi-lingual.

Theater New York Times

This site provides news and reviews of theater and listing of all shows in the New York area. The site is updated daily.

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