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Dutch Scrabble Online

You can play scrabble on-line. There are also links to other scrabble games that are in foreign languages. The webpage is in Dutch.


This site contains free multiplayer online games. 2 multiplayer word games: WordBox (similar to Scrabble), WordCap, 5 single player games: WordHex (a bit similar to Tumble Bees), Word Find, WordMove, WordSwap and WordShuffle (similar to WordWhomp and TextTwist). You can choose one from 23 different dictionaries.


This site contains many games, including word games such as Boogle, and Scrabble. There is also a forum to discuss games. Registering with their site entitles you to the benefits of the site, such as chat, whisper, and ratings.

Pixie Pit

You can play Scrabble by e-mail. There are 2, 3, and 4 player games. The game is playable in 11 languages.


Playsite has many games in different categories...arcade, board, cards, and word. The two word games are Scrabble and Tangleword. Tangleword is a fun boggle like game. There are three versions of Tangleword -- Tangleword 4, 5 and 6, with the number in each case denoting the minimum word length for that game.


Free online scrabble word game. Play for free as a guest or enjoy the benefits of membership such as no ads, your own rating, more settings, forums and chat, robot opponents, statistics and tournaments.


This Scrabble style game allows any word in English, no matter how long, to be played. Use Wild Tiles and flipped tiles on yellow Wild Squares to represent one or more letters in a row. Online and board versions are available.

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